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Some Recent Car Questions And Answers:

  • Dodge Stratus Starting issue My battery recently went bad so I replaced it. The car is a 2003 Dodge stratus SXT so I had to remove the tire to get the battery out. After replacing the battery I noticed a wire had come loose from what ever it was connected to. I don’t know where it goes. It seems to ...
  • Chevy Trailblazer Heat Core Replacement Procedure Pictures This week I had the pleasure, or should I say displeasure of replacing the heater core on a Chevrolet Trailblazer. This is not the older body style Chevy S-10 Blazer, but the newer body Trailblazer. The customer’s complaint was the usual of the windshield and side windows get fogged up when the heater or the ...
  • 2000 Hyundai Santa Fe Hard To Start I have a 2000 Hyundai Santa FE and if it sits a couple of hours or more it is hard to start. Can you help me? ProTech: When a vehicle sits for a while after it has been run or driven, the engine goes through what is called a ‘heat soak’. This means it basically gets hotter ...
  • 2001 Toytota Has Several Warning Lights and Burns Oil I have a 2001 Toyota 4-Runner 2001. The TRAC OFF, Check Oil, and VSC TRAC light came on. Is it safe to drive until I can get it to a mechanic? The main thing I would worry about is the ‘check oil’ light. Make sure it’s full before you drive the vehicle, or you can ruin ...
  • Bad Fuel Pumps Cause Vehicle To Not Start Lately, we’ve have quite a few vehicles come through the shop with fuel pumps that have failed. This seems to go in cycles, where we see a lot of one particular thing coming in all the time and this time of year seems to be fuel pump problems. The colder weather can have a lot ...
  • Ford f150 power loss at half throttle Ive got a 1995 Ford F-150 4×4 with the 302 5 speed. All started with a few bucks when it was cold and the check engine light would come on then go off. Now the check engine light is steady on and it works ok at half throttle. But anymore than that it looses power completely. ...
  • Repair Work Slows For Auto Mechanics The past couple weeks at the shop have seen a sharp decline in business. This week was especially slow and all of us technicians are feeling it in the pocket book! This usually happens around this time of year, before the seasons change to cold. Kids are back to school, people work and go about ...
  • Cost To Replace Buick 3800 Crank Position Sensor Hello? I have 2001 Buick LeSabre. I want to replace the crankshaft position sensor. Do you know how much does it cost in terms of labor? ProTech: Which engine do you have in your Buick? V6 3800. It seems it has two CKP sensors, 7x and 24x. I am guessing the 24x is bad. There is only one crank ...
  • Nissan 240 SX Rear Brakes Smoking I have a Nissan 240 sx 1990. Last week i changed the rear brakes on it and i found out that the calibers was locking up so i bought new one then i couldn’t get fluids to the lines and found out it was the master cylinder. Changed got a new one well i bleed the ...
  • Reduced Engine Power Warning And Check Engine Light The reduced engine power warning message can come on your car or truck. Today’s vehicles are for the most part completely electronically controlled. From every button and switch on the dash down to the ‘fly-by-wire’ throttle control system. Back in the day, before these electronically controlled throttles, everything was cable actuated. You press the gas ...

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