91 pontiac grand am 2.5L stalling

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    • #11028

      I have a 91 pontiac grand am 2.5 liters. When it is cold it runs fine for about 15-20 min but after is gets warm and you apply the brake it starts to die but if you let off the brake it will stay running. It does not do it all the time but when it dies it will start back up. If you wait 5-10 min you can go down the road for a couple miles longer. We go to town 14-15 miles away and then on our way back when we get close to home it starts acting this way when you apply the brake. We already changed fuel filter, vacuum rubber lines to the motor and we also ran the brake booster and check valve test and they were both good. Running out of options. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    • #12710


      What kind of test did you do on the brake booster and check valve? If this problem only happens when you step on the brake then you definitely have a problem in that area. Most likely a leaking brake booster diaphragm. If you had a bad check valve, it would be running bad all the time. Replace the booster assembly and you should be fine.

    • #12712


      My husband is driving it know and he says that it does not do it all the time and when it dies it will start right back up but when you put it into a gear it will die. But if you wait 10 mins then you can drive it for about 20 more miles and it does the same thing. We did a brake test on the valve that we got off the internet from askhow.com And the valve and brake booster turned out fine no problems. When you are driving you will know when the car will do it cause it will feel funny when he lets off the gas. He says it feels like the motor is not disengaging from the transmission. What do u think it might be. Thanks for all your help! God Bless You!

      REPLY: Is the check engine light on while you’re driving or when it dies out?

      No light comes on, on the dash no check engine lights, or anything else it just dies. Thanks for your time. I appreciate everything you are doing to help me. Do you think it might be the lock up sylenoid on the transmission. Found some information online but just a thought.

      REPLY: No, I really doubt it is a transmission problem unless you have a bad TCC solenoid, but that would usually set a code and turn the check engine light on. Your best bet is bring it to a shop where a technician with a scanner can drive it and monitor what is going on when the car actually dies out. That may be the only way to ‘see’ what is failing.

      Where is the TCC solenoid located on the transmission. Is it hard to change yourself.

      REPLY: The TCC solenoid is inside the transmission. You have to disassemble quite a bit, lower the subframe, and take off the side cover of the transmission. If you’re not familiar with this type of repair, the I highly recommend you DO NOT attempt it yourself. Plus, that was just a best guess on the information you gave me. I would still have someone diagnose the car in person at a shop or dealership.

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