Jeep Cherokee Laredo charging issues

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    • #11211

      Jeep Cherokee Laredo 4.0.Changed alternator, new battery,amp output would not reach more than 11, when it should read 13.5.After running vehicle short distance voltage gauge warning light came back on, After shutting off engine, battery was drained,vehicle would not restart.

    • #13739

      First of all, you must mean voltage output is only at 11 and not at 13.5 volts. Amp output should be around 70 amps under load normally. Obviously the alternator didn’t fix the problem, and is NOT charging the vehicle. You would need to check and make sure it is getting the signal to turn on from the computer. Check any related fuses and wiring as well, as it could be something as simple as that. Re-check any connections you took apart during the replacement. Should be easy to locate the problem.

    • #13740

      Most probably it might be due to wiring problem and check for ground connections. Else make sure to test the alternator. This helps to fix the issue.

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